This has occurred at a time of rapid development, we can not escape from current developments, but live as where we fit in with this development.
our life is not only silent, but whose name is also experiencing a change that will continue to happen. assuming there are some people who think that
When we look in the mirror in the bedroom mirror and looked at the shadows that exist in that mirror every day, maybe we will not recognize familiar faces. Yes, it is because the reflection in that mirror there is a face which is none other than ourselves.
However, have we recognized the face until the psychological depth and heart are there? Have we ever paused for a moment and turn our minds, open our hearts to find what should I change these days, what I do is good for myself and those around me?
Do I still feel this life is meant to be lived? Or do I have a shackle that is in my heart and I have not found the key?
photo illustration is taken from Google
Like a lock that is difficult to open, because it's not been damaged, but just not the right key. Padlock shackle that was something, something inhibited, and it's hard to let go.
Padlocks also means something that makes us not "productive." Padlocks must have the keys not to open it at random, with the keys to extraordinary well then great padlock can be opened right?
I believe, that there are several types of locks to be opened, there are easy some are difficult, depending on the level of security. And I strongly believe, our lives are also like a lock and key, lock the shackles of our lives, that makes us not padlock can be a maximum in the sense, "difficult people".
Let us open the padlock. How? But remember only you who can find the best way to open it, because it is your personal padlock and only you have the key.
Of course you will ask? 1) Do I still have a padlock on the handcuff? 2) Has a handcuff me? 3) With what else should I open?
These questions might be posed, because some conditions as well. Because I've lived quite well and far from difficult, I simply enjoy, far from strife with others. Maybe you feel is good enough even perfect in your emotional things, may already have good interpersonal with others. However, the meaning of the word "enough" means there is still some remaining true?
Find and complete the rest of these things. Do you still find it hard to forget the past, do you not dare to make decisions and act, do you find it hard to be truthful to yourself or someone you care about, or within yourself, you should feel "I like too many flaws "and the slightest advantage possessed me than others.
This illustration photos taken from Google
The intended key is the key to how you achieve true happiness, the key to how you wake up in the morning is always excited and motivated to do things that have become routine in your life, and the key to release all your worries and do what you should do now and You can not close the possibility of developing what is all the time you want to try to do it.
First, always look through different glasses, looking far ahead, look at the way God wants to see your life is blessed, not just material or financial freedom. Look around with a sense of spirit, and always put your position in the position of others and try to feel their feelings for a moment, and do the best you can do for them. Think you're the one of the billions of people in this world, have a life that is far better than most people who can not currently subscribe to or can afford to buy a newspaper, can not read, because the blind from birth or due to accidents.
Verily, You are a very happy in this world. Enjoy your life to anyone who knows you also feel a tremendous explosion of joy that you give in every interaction you have.
Second, stop thinking of a dark past. Be strong! Would you believe that you were created as a winner, even more than a winner! Let's look at the wonderful things you probably already forgotten behind you. Of the millions of seeds to advance to fertilize the egg in the womb of your mother many years ago, it was you who did not die and win to be human life on this day.
God wanted you to live in this world, surely He does not play games on your life! So I can not say anything else, even if the world is too "severe" to live, you're the person who made it to the finish line, because you were born as a winner in this life!
photo illustration is taken from Google
So, open the eyes of your heart. Make power at precisely the time you are experiencing sadness, make things bitter in the past, such as abused, dumped ex-girlfriend, your parents are arrogant, the people closest to you, even people you've just met, who betrayed your own best friend have sincere faith in him. Disappointed, whatever it is cast! And forget it all.
Positive things
Indeed life is hard, but not as hard as you might imagine if you always give thanks for things that happened either bad or good. Think about things that are fun, and soon forget the things that make you hurt yourself. It can be tough, but that's the second key to your padlock.
Furthermore, you are the hardest thing to do, but very easy to say, is to do something positive at the time of bad things to come! Hard right?
Always good-hearted, not mean has a heart that is always pure and "grandiose" without sin, but try to make it all you can do. Always think and act positively.
Sometimes a positive act like a lunatic action, such as the legendary inventor of the light that would be familiar, Alfa Thomas Edison. For most people at that time, he is regarded as a strange, half-deaf who often make strange things which they think is someone who is "crazy".
Why? Because he was doing positive things according to his life. He found the key that makes him happy by doing experiments that not many people realize would make a great wonderful history in this world.
My not saying you must be a "madman" who do not know juntrungannya (happy home alone), but I advise you to "try crazy" in the sense that you make yourself a valuable asset that not many people possess.
Have you found any things you love? Try to express it by always smiling under any circumstances, do not despair!
Has investigated a mountain eagle will fly higher and higher during the wind storm, why? Why did the eagle is flying at the time was wind storm? Why not just wait?
photo illustration is taken from Google
I used to think, because the eagle is being lost direction, but once I know the truth that the eagle is flying in a storm that he knew would strengthen its wings it is only when the storm came fast, that's when the eagle is strong and growing strong!